
This is the perfect first workbench to build as it requires only two tools and can be made with only one sheet of plywood

Difficulty easy


Wood Products

  • 1 Sheet plywood , 4 x 8 x ¾”

Hardware & Supplies

  • 1 Box of 1 1/4" Kreg pocket-hole screws (see tools list)

Cut List & Parts

  • 1 Top , 48” x 24”
  • 1 Bottom , 46 ½” x 22 ½”
  • 4 Long stretcher , 46 ½” x 2 ¾”
  • 8 Short stretcher , 21” x 2 ¾”
  • 4 Thick leg , 35 ¼” x 4”
  • 4 Thin leg , 35 ¼” x 3 ¼”


  • Watch the video

    Before attempting this project, watch the full youtube video to get a better understanding of how to complete the project.

  • Cut plywood pieces

    Cut pieces down according to the cutlist

  • Assemble Legs

    Using screws or pocket holes, join the two different leg pieces together to create 4 legs

  • Assemble shelf brackets

    Using screws or pocket holes, assembled the two shelf brackets with the short and long stretchers

  • Attach top bracket

    Using screws, attach the top bracket to two of the legs

  • Attach bottom shelf

    Using screws, attach the bottom shelf bracket approximately 10” from the bottom of the legs

  • Attach other legs

    Using screws, attach the rest of the legs

  • Attach bench top

    Using screws, attach the workbench top and you are done!