Fold-Out Coffee Table Bed
A coffee table which opens up to reveal and support a standard sized twin mattress! A twin-XL in fact! A great way to turn functional furniture into hidden storage space. A smart option for small spaces and overnight guests.
Cut Top and Bottom
Cut two, 45" x 45" squares from 3/4" thick plywood or MDF
Cut Sides and Faces
Cut two, 8-1/4" x 42-1/2" face panels and four, 8-1/4" x 41" sides panel from 3/4" thick plywood or MDF. Cut the remaining scrap into 8-1/4" lengths of material and various, random widths.
Cut Veneer Pieces
Cut an entire 2' x 4' x 1/4" plywood or MDF "hobby panel" AND an entire 2' x 4' x 1/2" plywood or MDF "hobby panel" into 8-1/4" lengths, at random widths.
Lower Box Face
Align the lower box face on the top of the bottom panel. Allow a 1-1/4" set-back from all edges. Secure in place using glue and 1-1/4" screws through pocket holes.
Lower Box Sides
Align the lower sides flush to the ends of the lower face. Allow a 1-1/4" set-back from both sides. Secure in place using glue and 1-1/4" screws through pocket holes.
Upper Box Face
Align the upper face on the underside of the Top. Allow a 1-1/4" set-back from all edges. Secure in place using glue and 1-1/4" screws through pocket holes.
Upper Box Sides
Connect the upper box sides to upper face and the underside of the top. Allow a 2-1/8" set-back from top edges. Secure in place using glue and 1-1/4" screws through pocket holes, as well as 2-1/2" screws driven from the face. The sides will be set in 13/16" from the ends of the face board.
Build Legs
Laminate (glue together) three, 1 x 3 boards, face-to-face. Once dry, cut into five, 8-1/4" lengths. It is much easier to glue and clamp full-length boards together and allow to dry before cutting into shorter lengths.
Connect Legs
Drill 3/4" pocket holes on the underside of 8, 3/4" x 3/4 x 39" dowels. Connect pairs of legs together, using the dowels as double, side-by-side stretchers. Create a 1/2" space between stretchers. Align the bottom face of stretchers 3" from the bottom of each leg. Secure in place using glue and 1-1/4" screws.
Connect leg pairs together with remaining stretchers. Secure in place from the underside using glue and 1-1/4" screws through 3/4" pocket holes
Attach Base
Align the table base (legs and stretchers) on the underside of the lower box. Space all 4 legs 1/2" from outer edges. Pre-drill into the top of the legs and attach using 3" screws driven from the inside of the box.
Center Leg
Align the center leg 8" from the open side of the lower box panel. Pre-drill into the top of the leg and secure using two, 3" screws.
Add Veneer Pieces
Place the upper portion of the box on top of the lower box. Attach random-width, 8-1/4" long veneer pieces to the lower face, sides, and upper face. Alternate the pattern of widths and thicknesses to create a random look. Secure in place using glue and 1", 23 gauge brads.
Finish and Add Mattress
Sand the entire surface with 220-grit sand paper. Remove dust and paint or finish however you'd like. I recommend using an all-foam mattress. The inside of the box will accommodate a twin-XL mattress, folded in half.
More Tips and Ideas
Head to or for more plans, tips and DIY tricks.