Oakley Coffee Table
By Smashing DIYDress up your living room with this Oakley coffee table featuring wood turned legs.
Cut Coffee Table Footers
Cut the 2x6 coffee table footers down to size and miter off an angle of 15 degrees on the top. Make four of these.
Add Foot Pads
Add 1x6 foot pads to two of the coffee table footers using wood glue and a brad nailer with finish nails. The two footers with the footpads will be the footers to go on the bottom of the coffee table sides.
Add Top of Footer
Add 1x6 top piece to all four footers using wood glue and a brad nailer with finish nails.
Add Osbourne Legs
Attach the Osborne legs first to the bottom footers using wood glue and a brad nailer with finish nails and then attach the top. Wood legs should be 3.5" a part. Once the legs are secure, place the coffee table sides into clamps and let them sit for at least 2 hours.
Do this for both sides.
Attach Middle Brace
Add 2x6 middle brace to the coffee table sides using a Kreg Jig on a 1 1/2" setting using 2 1/2" pocket hole screws and wood glue. Kreg holes should be placed on the side of brace facing down.
Attach Top Braces
Add 2x4 top braces to the coffee table sides using a Kreg Jig on a 1 1/2" setting using 2 1/2" pocket hole screws and wood glue. Kreg holes should be placed on the side of brace facing down.
Attach Top Middle Braces
Attach the two 2x4 top middle braces using a Kreg Jig on a 1 1/2" setting using 2 1/2" pocket hole screws and wood glue. Kreg holes should be placed on the side of brace facing down.
Attach Coffee Table Top
Assemble 2x6 coffee table top boards using wood glue, biscuts and a Kreg Jig on a 1 1/2" setting using 2 1/2" pocket hole screws and wood glue. 2x6s were put down to 5" each using a thickness planer and jointer.
Total Dimensions
The total dimensions for this coffee table are 50" L x 22 13/16 W x 16 1/2" H
Visit Handmade-Haven.com
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Check out the photos for my process building the Oakley Coffee Table here!
https://www.handmade-haven.com/blogs/news/diy-coffee-table -
Attach Table Top
Attach table top to the bottom of the coffee table using wood screws and wood glue. Use 2 1/2" screws to go through the middle braces and 3" to go through the footers.