
Ned a fun desk to knock out those fun crafts? Check out this modern sawhorse craft desk. A fun build to bring your craft room to life.

Difficulty moderate


Wood Products

  • 1 Board , 2x4 , 96"
  • 6 Board , 2x2 , 72"
  • 1 Plywood , 3/4" Thick , Full Sheet

Hardware & Supplies

  • 1 Pack of 2 1/2" Pocket Hole Screws
  • 1 2 1/2" Wood Screws
  • 1 Pack of 2" Brad Nails

Cut List & Parts

  • 2 2x4 Base , 28 13/16"
  • 8 2x2 Legs , 29 7/8"
  • 4 2x2 Bottom Stretchers , 11 5/8"
  • 4 2x2 Top Stretchers , 4 1/4"
  • 2 2x2 Top Brace , 25 7/8"


  • Cut 2x4 Base

    To begin the sawhorse desk, cut your 2x4s down to 28 3/16"

    To get a clean look, you may need to plane down your 2x4 and run it through a jointer for a cleaner look.

  • Add Sawhorse Legs

    Next, cut four 2x2s down to (29 7/8") at a 12 degree angle and using a Kreg Jig on a 1 1/2" setting, drill two pocketholes on the inside of the four (29 7/8") 2x2 legs.

    Next, attach the four (29 7/8")2x2 legs to the (28 13/16") 2x4 board. Apply glue to the joints that will be joined together and attach the four legs using 2 1/2" pocket hole screws. Pocket holes should be placed on the inside of the 2x2s and the 2x2s should be flush with the ends of the 2x4.

  • Add Bottom Side Stretcher

    Next, cut two 2x2s down to (11 5/8") at a 12 degree angle and using a Kreg Jig on a 1 1/2" setting, drill two pocket holes underneath the 2x2.

    Now attach the two (11 5/8”) 2x2s to the assembled frame. Pocket holes should be facing downward and the 2x2 should be placed 6" from the bottom of the legs.

    Repeat Step for other side.

  • Add Top Stretcher

    Next, cut two 2x2s down to (4 1/4") at a 12 degree angle.

    Now attach the two (11 5/8”) 2x2s to the assembled frame using wood glue and 2" brad nails.

    Repeat for other side of the sawhorse desk

  • Add Top Brace

    Next, cut one 2x2 down to (25 7/8") and using a Kreg Jig on a 1 1/2" setting, drill two pocket holes underneath the 2x2.

    Now attach the 2x2 to the assembled frame. Pocket holes should be facing downward and the 2x2 should be placed in the middle of the side stretcher.

    Repeat Step for other side of the sawhorse desk.

  • Cut Desk Top

    Using a track saw, table saw, cut down the 3/4" piece of plywood down to 32"x48"

  • Attach Desk Top

    Attach the sawhorse legs to the tabletop by drilling 2 1/2" wood screws into the inside of the top of thesawhorse legs into the table top.

  • Visit

    For finish details and extra helpful tips visit